Monday, February 25, 2013

What kind of blog do I really want?

We're almost at the end of February, and I have a total of two posts on this new blog of mine.  (Ok, this one makes three.)  I think of many topics I want to blog about, but then the doubt creeps in and I think, "would anyone really want to read that?"  I know this is not the way to go about it.  I know I truly want to blog for why do I keep doubting this whole blogging experience?

I follow a handful of blogs.  Some are exquisitely written and full of beautiful photography, while others are just the author's rambling thoughts.  Some pull at my heartstrings while others make me laugh and smile - even hours after reading them.  And some are so full of advertisements that I can't tell if I'm on a personal blog or at some commercial site. (I get that some people actually earn a living doing this.)  So here I am -- stuck in a rut before I've really gotten started.  I want to make a difference in peoples' lives, yet I hesitate to put my thoughts on paper (well, actually the screen). Heck, at this point I still don't know how to do anything more than publish a post and insert a photo.  I want this blog to be worth my time and more importantly, worth the time of those who choose to read it.

When you take the time to read someone's blog, what makes you say, "That was worth my time"?  Do you feel that blogs should be tailored to a specific audience?  If you're a blogger, how did you pick up steam when you started your blog?

This quote spoke to me, and I instantly thought of my developing blog.


  1. Ok, for starters, patience is key. Nothing will happen over night, it takes time to get followers but trust me, people are reading even if they didn't actually "follow" you.

    I write what I want and when I want. No real schedule but if I am in training, I usually post more.

    I write for me first. I am a mom, wife and runner, not always in that order but I hit on everything that comes my way and I think people like that. I would still write even if they didn't.

    I try and post questions to engage my readers and that usually gets me some comments. I also try and comment back.

    Do what makes you happy first and the rest will come naturally.

  2. I agree with what Nicole said. It takes time. I also write mostly for me. I've done through dry periods and I've gone through really active periods with my blog. Do it for YOU though. It's your blog! You've gotten a great start!

  3. My dear Laura... this post brought tears... The quote is perfection! I rode today for the first time in too many months to count... it was a ride that spoke to my soul and filled me with such pure joy... and I thought of you! One of my unspoken goals for the year... to be fit and skilled enough to ride with you! To over come my inner voice that says I'm too old, out of shape...ect ect .... I am always so very inspired by you ... and am personally so excited that you have begun to blog... and share your wonderful self in this arena.

    My biggest blogging advice... trust yourself... you are an inspiring woman leading a very good life...with great heart.... blog for you... blog your truths... blog when it's right for you...

    Your blog already has made it into my reader... because it has already touched my heart!

    Wishing you all the best in your new endeavor! I am SO happy you are here!

    1. I have so much to say, but I'll stick with one quick note -- I'm ready to ride whenever you are! It's not about the trail or the speed, but about time with a friend. XO

  4. Hi Laura! Congrats on starting your blog. I think it is fun that there are so many diverse blogs out there so stay true to you and you'll do awesome. Mine is mostly my ramblings but every so often I'll do posts about a product either because I want to or because I'm asked to do so by a company that I like. The fun thing is that you get to develop your voice and your style as you want if you don't like something then change it! I look forward to seeing more of your writing! P.S. You can use online photo tools to add your blog name onto your header photo. PicMonkey is one example.

  5. I can't thank you all enough! I want to comment back to each one of you, but tonight one sweeping THANK YOU will have to do. This feedback from each one of you is so very helpful and very much appreciated!!! Tomorrow I will carve out some time to re-read (for the third or fourth or fifth time) each comment. Thanks again! :)
